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The Bellingham City Council will be holding a virtual public hearing on Monday, June 27
to review their proposed Climate Action Fund
ballot language that would increase property taxes on city residents and businesses for at least ten years.
If approved by the mayor and city council in July, this will then be put before city voters in November. If passed by voters, the proposition would authorize a levy to raise additional regular property taxes – an increase by up to $0.37/$1,000 to a total estimated rate of $1.97/$1,000 assessed valuation for collection in 2023 through 2032 with annual increases to total $6 million in new taxes annually by city residents/businesses. You can access the meeting at
To read the summarized report (only pages pertaining to Bill #23373), click here. WBA will also be covering this closely in the coming weeks and providing some key messages before the hearing on June 27.
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