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On July 31, City of Bellingham Ordinance 2021-05-023 will go into effect that will ban the use of some single-use plastics by retail establishments in Bellingham with the goal of “encouraging compostable or reusable alternatives.”
This new regulation will impact restaurants (no matter their size), coffee shops, hotels, etc. in Bellingham. The ordinance was passed by the city council and signed into law by Mayor Fleetwood last year
with an effective date of July 31, 2022 for most of the new regulations (under Section 2), which will put Bellingham at the forefront of these new regulations, starting before the statewide regulations passed by the Governor and state legislature go into effect
. Certain other products listed under Section 3 will be prohibited in Bellingham starting January 1, 2023, which include produce bags, catering trays, clear food/shrink wrap and other containers and packaging.
The ordinance promotes an education-first approach but does include penalties “not to exceed $250 per day for the first 20 days that the violation exists” which then increase to $500/day. Again, prior to imposing penalties/taking enforcement, the Ordinance states that “the City shall attempt to provide written notice to any retail establishment in violation…”
Some concerns with this new mandate include:
The WBA is calling on the City of Bellingham to delay the implementation of this new ordinance at least another six months so it is more in line with the statewide regulations. Small businesses need some relief as they struggle with staffing, higher costs, locating new products that will be required under these new requirements, all while they continue to emerge from the COVID impacts and this new, challenging economy.
Please join us to request a DELAY in implementation of Ordinance 2021-05-023 by sending an email with the links below.
Mayor Seth Fleetwood
Bellingham City Council
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