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Phone: 360.746.0418


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People First initiatives put the people of Bellingham last

Vote NO to these four initiatives.

WBA’s Board of Directors is recommending a no-vote on all four initiatives because of the enormous negative impact for City of Bellingham businesses, especially small businesses, employees and our entire community.

WBA has started working with a coalition of business associations including the AGC, Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce, WA Hospitality Association, WA Retail Association, Small Grocers Association and other business associations specifically opposing Initiative #4. 

The four initiatives appearing on the November ballot:

#1 Renter Protections - Severe restrictions to manage operating costs for landlords will result in increased housing costs for our workforce and potential reduction of available rentals.

#2 No Invasive Police Technology - Reducing the ability of Bellingham Police to protect the community is detrimental to the safety of our workers and property owners.

#3 Protect the Right to Organize - Concerns recipients using City funds to discourage unionization efforts along with a host of new regulations related to collective bargaining.

#4 Worker's Rights: Fair Treatment of Hourly-Wage Employees and Gig Workers - Will implement predictive scheduling for construction, and other industries, which are detrimental to work schedule flexibility for projects and workers. Also implements hazard pay of $4/hr for any State of Emergency declared, which includes Bellingham. This will also include any firm residing outside of Bellingham for the hours worked within Bellingham city limits.

Please share your thoughts below about how you or your business will be affected if these initiatives are passed in November.
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